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If you're in Tennessee, you're into sports... all year long!


Football, baseball, softball, soccer, golf, cheerleading, tennis, archery, bowling, fishing, hunting, and the omnipresent Corn Hole have their followings throughout the year.  Of course, each has their own audience, participants, and winners.  And, to the latter, All Star Trophies, the region's most complete source of awards for all sports, is ready to provide your team and players with cherished recognitions for their hard-won victories.  The moments of celebrity following "the big game" fade over time, but the award will live forever--proudly displayed on the fireplace mantel, side table, or trophy cabinet.


Following are a few representative examples of projects that illustrate the breadth of our services and products.  We carry a nice selection of plaques and awards at our facility so that you can check the quality and different materials (we can work with coated brass, acrylic, glass, wood, leather, and hybrid materials.  We also have dozens of catalogs from our primary vendors that you can review at our facility.  


Click on any image to enlarge

Click to see online catalogs:
Barhill Mfg. and Marco Award Group
To order, call us and tell us the vendor's name, the part number, size, and price.  All prices include a "reasonable" amount of textual customization (e.g., name(s), title(s), event).
Sports engraving bonanza
Never a per letter charge!
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